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욕실화장실 안전손잡이

아름다운 곡선 설계로 뛰어난 안정성을 가진 MORITEC 시리즈

사용 시 부드러운 감촉을 느낄 수 있는 재질로, 금속재의 차가움이

느껴지지 않으며 뛰어난 디자인과 안전성을 지닌 안전 손잡이입니다.

직선형 디럭스


L자형 디럭스

K910R 700*500mm (K901 L)
K912R 900*600mm (K912 L)

접이식 디럭스


세면기 디럭스

K 931W 800 x D 700 x H 740mm
K 933W 800 x D 660 x H 160mm (다리없음)

변기용 디럭스

K 940W 500 x D 600 x H 480mm

Libertech Corporation

Libertech is Korea based manufacturer and exporter who specializes in the product of pressure care and offers you the wide range of anti-decubitus cushions, anti-decubitus mattresses and operating room gel pad positioners as well as leisure and homecare pressure solutions. All of the products undergo high quality control during the production process to ensure users' safety, comfort as we're qualifies for ISO 13485, CE (MDR 2017/745) and FDA.

Contact Us

Tel : +82 70 4680 0707

Email :

Address : 1352 Poseungjangan-ro, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

Copyright ⓒ 2024 Libertech Corporation. All rights reserved

Libertech Corporation

Libertech is Korea based manufacturer and exporter who specializes in the product of pressure care and

offers you the wide range of anti-decubitus cushions, anti-decubitus mattresses and operating room gel

pad positioners as well as leisure and homecare pressure solutions. All of the products undergo high quality

 control during the production process to ensure users' safety, comfort as we're qualifies for ISO 13485, CE

(MDR 2017/745) and FDA.

Copyright ⓒ 2024 Libertech Corporation. All rights reserved.

Tel : +82 70 4680 2490

Address : 1352 Poseungjangan-ro, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
